Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What to look for in a film (from class discussion)

Here's a list of what you all suggested as important items to look for in a film. Thanks to Brianne Geffre for sending this information.

1. Art Form or Not pure Art? (are they out to make money?)
2. New Technology
3. Technical issues
  • Lighting, angles (length of cuts, quality of movement) 
4. Direction of Action (gaze, sight lines)
5. Genre
6. Budget/ Purpose
7. Method of narration and subject matter
                -music/ sound
                -Narration/ voice over
8. Dialogue between viewer and movie
                -what questions arise while watching
9. Intended audience
                -era, population
10. Symbols that repeat
11. Context
                -historical background
12. Setting, props, staging
13. Beginnings and Endings
                -Order of the scenes 
14. Acting,
  • who is chosen
  • Type Casting
15. What sells the movie?
                Effects vs Story/ Characters

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